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5715 N Cattletrack Rd
Scottsdale, AZ, 85250





“I see farther into paintings now” - Rainer Maria Rilke

THE PORTAL is the place where life is high vibe, inspired, and filled with beauty and magic. Where we explore the realm of creative expression and spiritual connection, along side our fellow seekers on the path of personal growth. Where we experience the transformative power of art.

THE PORTAL is the entrance into the world of my private art studio and creative life - where I make paintings and objects inspired by beauty and moments of transcendence in our daily experience.

Join THE PORTAL for inspiring content that gives you behind the scenes access to my creative process and the deeper meaning behind my work. You’ll receive first access to my newest artwork and other inspiring objects as I create them. I’ll be sharing insights and writings about the journey and practices of creativity and spirituality - which go hand in hand - along with discoveries that are feeding my soul. As things speak to me, I’ll share them with you - poems and musings, reflections and illuminations - from like-minded souls who have walked the journey before us, in contemplating and creating a life of meaning and substance.

An email like none other, THE PORTAL offers a brief “opening” in your inbox, to take a moment, let the proverbial light shine in, and step into a higher perspective.

Join me on the journey, and sign up for THE PORTAL below!

Let your light shine,

Lisa Miller